Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Longing of the Father’s heart for His children

Do you know that the Father in heaven longs for you? Do you know that He wants to fellowship with you, to abide in you to have an intimate relationship with you?  Do you not know that God the Father sent His son down to earth to show you Himself, to share with you His heart, to provide a way of salvation for you?  Do you know that He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother?  Do you understand the cry of the Father’s heart is for you to find him?

 His love is everlasting, not just for a day, a week, a month, but for all eternity.  His hand is not so short that it can not reach you; there is no place in which you can hide from Him.  For His eyes look to and fro seeking a heart in which He can abide, He seeks a resting place.  Will you give the Father a place to rest in you, will you say Yes Lord, come, let me be in your presence; Yes, let me rest in you.  For as I rest in you, you rest in me and both are content just to be in each other's presence.  Has it ever occurred to you that the Father created us to fellowship with Him?   Have you ever sought His presence just to be with Him, just to Be still and Know that I am God?  Oh, my when you find that place, that secret place within yourself in which it is just you and Him, and you let go and just be, you need for nothing more than to just soak up His presence. And you run, run as a child runs to greet their earthly father, you run to be with Him, to sit at His feet, to hear his heart beat and you know all is well, for I am safe in His keeping.

Lovingly, longingly He waits for you patiently.  If you but knew, if the curtain could be rolled back so that you would have eyes to see and ears to hear, you would not be able to contain the fullness of it all, the wonder of who He is, for He is a God of Mercy and He extends Grace to you and He longs to abide with you and in you.  Yes, Jesus your Lord, God the Father long to be with you, little ol’ you, raggedly ol’ you, silly ol’ you, you with all your imperfection, with all your shortcomings, with all your quirky ways, He longs for you. 

He longs to be with you as lover longs to be with the one they love, as a Mother longs to be with her child, as you have pined for someone who has rejected you, and all you want is for them to love you and want to be with you, so the Father longs for you.

So many times we see God as Creator, Almighty, All Powerful, and we fail to see Him as one who desires fellowship with us.  Who is man that you are mindful of him?  And yet He is.  He is ever mindful of you; He knows the hairs on your head and has numbered them! He knows the secrets of your heart, your secret thoughts and desires.  He longs for you to share with Him.  He sees the mess of your life, the things that are wrong, the financial mess, the relationship mess the job mess He has a solution planned out for you, He knows exactly how to fix everything, He knows and He can because He is God, but also because He loves you.  Come to Him, you who are heavy laden, lay your burdens down at His feet, turn them over to Him and then sit there at His feet, beside Him in His presence and just be.  Surrender all and peace will be yours.  Trust and worries will go away, sit with Him and the loneliness of your heart will vanish.