Thursday, March 17, 2016

It is About We The People

We the people are winning the battle and we will win this war. One man 
Donald J Trump waged a war on the Media and has them in chaos. The Political pundits have been wrong at every turn. They have not known what to say and sound like idiots trying desperately to be right. He has a ceiling he has hit his ceiling as soon as others get out of the race you will see and the other day he hit 53% in the polls. I know polls don’t mean anything until they are proven true.

Many people did not like him, did not want him tried to stop him by any means they could, and he kept going. He said outrageous things and everyone said this is the end of him, but it wasn’t. People tried to paint him as racist and the Black Republicans backed him, Hispanics for Trump, Latinos for Trump and Muslims for Trump. There is even a group Sheiks for Trump. They said he was not a Christian and Jerry Falwell, and other Pastors endorsed him. They said he was not a conservative and Senator Jeff Sessions endorsed him.

Gov. Chris Christie and Dr. Ben Carson endorsed him after they thought he had made too many enemies among the candidates. He called people out for being what they are and they can’t stand it. Donald Trump called out the donor class and the political hacks. And he won. Spending less money than anyone he is winning the race. They can cry unfair media coverage all they want, they were not smart enough to know how to get the media to give you free ads. Donald Trump had an advantage there in the beginning but once he was the frontrunner in the race they covered him no matter what.

They came at him and they fell, one by one they fell and they cried foul as they went. He has exposed the Media in a way no one else could. He has exposed the Corruption in Politics and the incompetence of our leaders. The emperors have no clothes folks. Donald Trump refers to them as all talk no action and that is exactly what we have in DC. They talk a big game and walk away with their tails tucked.

He has insight into people and managed to peg them for who they are: Low Energy Jeb, Lying Ted Cruz and Little Marco. People do not like the name calling, but it is affective and right. For 8 months I have been looking into this researching the people and looking into their backgrounds. They tried to paint him as a con man, but there is nothing to that charge. They say he gave money to Democrats, but truth is he has given much more money by millions of dollars to Republicans. He endorsed Mitt Romney with his mouth and money. He made Robocalls for him donated money campaigned for him and when Romney won Michigan they publically thanked Donald Trump.

Donald Trump says in his rallies, it is not about me, it is about you. And that is as it should be and in saying that he is turning the Power back over to We the People where it belongs. We can make America great again folks.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Do not be fooled by all that glitter

I have often in a moment of anger said to a politician, "we put you in office and we can take you out." But that is only partly true.  While we may vote for them, it is the money behind them that put them in office.  It is the money from the Super Pacs and Lobbyists and Big Banks, Pharma companies and all the other entities that pay for the campaigns.  The Super Pacs raise money and place ads bashing he opponents and set up the town halls to feature their candidate.  It is kinda like the Super Bowl, the best ad campaign wins.  And it is a winner take all prize.  In the Presidential race, those who do not win do have a chance at being VP or on the Cabinet, but for the most part it is winner take all.

We like to think that we the people do have power, but in truth we vote for the person whose Donors have managed to paint with the best colors.  We vote for someone because of the promises they make and the things they say or their voter record.  But, to be honest most people do not fact check these things themselves and trust the ads and the comments as being true.  

Something everyone needs to consider is this: there is ONE Candidate who is self funding. One, only One.  He is in full disclosure receiving small individual donations, but has turned down money and even refunded money donated to his campaign.  He is the one who has shed light on the Money for favors aspect of campaigns more than anyone else.  Look behind the wizard to see who is behind the curtain running the show.  The wizard is a distraction from the truth.   The truth is that the donors have the right to say to the Candidate, we put you in office and we can take you out.  You owe us your position.  He/she has no choice but to put forth whatever legislation is desired and then turn around and try to sell it to their constituents as good for them.  

This has been going on long enough.  Do you realize that if you vote for Donald J. Trump, you are responsible for putting him into office and he will be beholding to no one but We the People.  This is a chance for us to wrangle power away from the donor class, away from the lobbyists and special interests and give the power back to the people.  

This is our last best chance.  If we fail this time we will not get back up.  Many people have said they do not like Donald for one reason or another - but let me say this loud and clear, hear me on this.  I know most of you and he is for all the things you are for, you are allowing the attackers to tell you otherwise.  Let me be perfectly clear, when I say this:

If America elects one more person tied to gold, America will fall into the money Pit.  For all his $ he is NOT tied to Gold, no one has him in their back pocket, NO ONE.  He can not be bought,he can not be bribed.  You may not like the way he says it, you may not like his hair you may not like his opulence, btw his favorite restaurant? McDonald's, that's right, he loves fast food.  You may not like anything about him, I do not care what you do not like.  He is the only one who has the chops, the guts and the leadership ability to get us out of this mess.  It will NOT happen with Pharma companies, it will not happen with Goldman Sachs, it will not happen with Super Pacs.  If we do not break the puppet strings we will not be free again.

He can call for Campaign finance reform, he can change things in DC,  but if we elect one more politician telling you what you want to hear and doing what his donors want him to do, we will be sunk.  For my conservative friends: Yes, he is Pro Life, Pro Israel, Pro Guns, Pro smaller Gov't, No he is NOT for single payer, yes he wants to keep Social Security and Medicare.  No he will NOT take a salary and Yes he will put his money into a Blind Trust.  No he will NOT take a Salary or President's pension.  No he will not re-decorate the WH except to build a badly needed ballroom which he offered to do on his dime and Obama turned him down.  

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Why I am for Trump

I would rather have someone in office who says what he thinks regardless of consequences, someone who can not be bought is not beholding to any group of people someone who has been successful but not without failing, who loves this country and sincerely wants to see America rise again. I would rather have this man in office than someone who will say and/or do anything to win an election only to do the bidding of those who paid his/her way and leave we the people to fend for ourselves.

Time and time again we have elected  career politicians.  I say we, but in truth the special interests, lobbyists and the media.  We fall for whatever rhetoric they spout and look to their voting records for guidance.  We have allowed ourselves to be swayed by all the right words.  

What we do not see is the man behind the curtain, the back room deals and all the money that exchanges hands.  Donald Trump has done more to expose this than anyone in politics.  He has admitted to making donations in the past in the hopes of garnering favors in the future.  He can not be faulted for taking advantage of the system. 

We have elected people to office over and over and over again who have turned their backs on us, and offer up one excuse after another as to why they could not vote one way or the other.  They put the Kate Steinle bill together with another bill, knowing full well it had no chance of passing.  If they do not vote against a promise they make sure the bill they promised does not pass.  

When you look at the funding sources of the candidates you can see why.  They need money to run a campaign and stay in office.  Running a campaign is a big business in itself, always remember the borrower is servant to the lender and while campaign donations may not be literal loans, the debt that is owed is legislation.  Do not be fooled, a candidate may say something that the donor does not like, but the donor knows they are saying what they need to say to get elected.  Once elected they will do the bidding of donor.

It is time to elect someone who will break the old boy network, crony capitalism or whatever you want to call it.  If Donald Trump is elected they will not be able to control him and that is what they fear the most, someone coming in and ruining their game.  He  knows the game well and he will be the spoiler.  His win in NH is proof in the pudding that they have been fearing.  

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Election 2016

I was wondering why Donald kept talking about having Ambassadors who know how to make good deals, I had never paid much attention to Ambassadors so I did some reading - and found this: Policy
"Consulting with the president and the U.S. State Department, ambassadors relay policy stances and decisions to the foreign governments they're associated with. In some cases, they may negotiate trade or security agreements" wikipedia , so, it started me thinking.

And so, Trump has me thinking - he has the right idea - he makes a lot of sense and has hit a nerve in so many of us who are frustrated with this whole political thing, we elect people who we think hold our values etc. We elect people based on their voting records and reputations but lets be honest, we are getting good politicians people who are good at getting elected - not necessarily good at running things, many of them have no real track record in what we call the "real world." and sometimes we elect a "man or woman of God " thinking they will be better - now of course I am not saying they are all bad - please don't give me names of this person or that one - I think we can all agree that we are tired of this political game, of the money that runs the politicians instead of the politicians running the money. My son's advice in tennis is don't let the ball play you; you need to play the ball. So this whole idea of hiring politicians who are career politicians is like nuts - we are hiring people whose expertise is getting elected and yes I said hiring - cause we need to look at it that way - instead of electing people whose whole thing is knowing how to get and stay elected - we need to look to the Trumps) of this world or the Dr. Carson's who have skill sets that go beyond political - if Trump just say is elected President, who will be his cabinet? Who will be the ambassadors, why not have the ambassadors of these countries be people who are good negotiators, good organizers (not community) good at running businesses instead of people who are looking for a leg up into the political world - people who don't give a darn, do not need money like Trump - People who are great in their field of expertise - have term limits for Congress take away the whole donor class entirely - Why can't we get some of these wheelers and dealers to work for nothing or very little for a year or two or so and put their skills into getting this country back into shape -

To continue my rambling thoughts, what have we done, how far have we strayed from where we should be? How much farther will we go before we fall off the cliff? Look what is happening to Mark Meadows for standing up to the leadership in the GOP and what is happening to Schumer for daring to vote against something Obama wants. They are called Representatives for a reason, they are to rep us, you and me - Ted Cruz calls it the Washington cartel, Carly Fiorina refers to crony capitalism no matter what you call it it is wrong. We are supposed to be of, for and by We the people - but we have abdicated our authority - and yet how do we take it back? We keep voting for people we think will do the right thing and some do, but most give into the pressure - maybe it is not DC that needs to be shaken up maybe it is not Congress that needs to Wake up, maybe it is us. Maybe we need to get more involved, make more demands - I dunno VOTE perhaps - and maybe just maybe we need to send some very different kind of people to DC - people get knocked out of a race for seemingly small things - in one way we have become so focused on the little petty things that we have forgotten that this is war, war for the very soul of America -. I know one thing, things MUST change.
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Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Longing of the Father’s heart for His children

Do you know that the Father in heaven longs for you? Do you know that He wants to fellowship with you, to abide in you to have an intimate relationship with you?  Do you not know that God the Father sent His son down to earth to show you Himself, to share with you His heart, to provide a way of salvation for you?  Do you know that He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother?  Do you understand the cry of the Father’s heart is for you to find him?

 His love is everlasting, not just for a day, a week, a month, but for all eternity.  His hand is not so short that it can not reach you; there is no place in which you can hide from Him.  For His eyes look to and fro seeking a heart in which He can abide, He seeks a resting place.  Will you give the Father a place to rest in you, will you say Yes Lord, come, let me be in your presence; Yes, let me rest in you.  For as I rest in you, you rest in me and both are content just to be in each other's presence.  Has it ever occurred to you that the Father created us to fellowship with Him?   Have you ever sought His presence just to be with Him, just to Be still and Know that I am God?  Oh, my when you find that place, that secret place within yourself in which it is just you and Him, and you let go and just be, you need for nothing more than to just soak up His presence. And you run, run as a child runs to greet their earthly father, you run to be with Him, to sit at His feet, to hear his heart beat and you know all is well, for I am safe in His keeping.

Lovingly, longingly He waits for you patiently.  If you but knew, if the curtain could be rolled back so that you would have eyes to see and ears to hear, you would not be able to contain the fullness of it all, the wonder of who He is, for He is a God of Mercy and He extends Grace to you and He longs to abide with you and in you.  Yes, Jesus your Lord, God the Father long to be with you, little ol’ you, raggedly ol’ you, silly ol’ you, you with all your imperfection, with all your shortcomings, with all your quirky ways, He longs for you. 

He longs to be with you as lover longs to be with the one they love, as a Mother longs to be with her child, as you have pined for someone who has rejected you, and all you want is for them to love you and want to be with you, so the Father longs for you.

So many times we see God as Creator, Almighty, All Powerful, and we fail to see Him as one who desires fellowship with us.  Who is man that you are mindful of him?  And yet He is.  He is ever mindful of you; He knows the hairs on your head and has numbered them! He knows the secrets of your heart, your secret thoughts and desires.  He longs for you to share with Him.  He sees the mess of your life, the things that are wrong, the financial mess, the relationship mess the job mess He has a solution planned out for you, He knows exactly how to fix everything, He knows and He can because He is God, but also because He loves you.  Come to Him, you who are heavy laden, lay your burdens down at His feet, turn them over to Him and then sit there at His feet, beside Him in His presence and just be.  Surrender all and peace will be yours.  Trust and worries will go away, sit with Him and the loneliness of your heart will vanish.