Thursday, March 17, 2016

It is About We The People

We the people are winning the battle and we will win this war. One man 
Donald J Trump waged a war on the Media and has them in chaos. The Political pundits have been wrong at every turn. They have not known what to say and sound like idiots trying desperately to be right. He has a ceiling he has hit his ceiling as soon as others get out of the race you will see and the other day he hit 53% in the polls. I know polls don’t mean anything until they are proven true.

Many people did not like him, did not want him tried to stop him by any means they could, and he kept going. He said outrageous things and everyone said this is the end of him, but it wasn’t. People tried to paint him as racist and the Black Republicans backed him, Hispanics for Trump, Latinos for Trump and Muslims for Trump. There is even a group Sheiks for Trump. They said he was not a Christian and Jerry Falwell, and other Pastors endorsed him. They said he was not a conservative and Senator Jeff Sessions endorsed him.

Gov. Chris Christie and Dr. Ben Carson endorsed him after they thought he had made too many enemies among the candidates. He called people out for being what they are and they can’t stand it. Donald Trump called out the donor class and the political hacks. And he won. Spending less money than anyone he is winning the race. They can cry unfair media coverage all they want, they were not smart enough to know how to get the media to give you free ads. Donald Trump had an advantage there in the beginning but once he was the frontrunner in the race they covered him no matter what.

They came at him and they fell, one by one they fell and they cried foul as they went. He has exposed the Media in a way no one else could. He has exposed the Corruption in Politics and the incompetence of our leaders. The emperors have no clothes folks. Donald Trump refers to them as all talk no action and that is exactly what we have in DC. They talk a big game and walk away with their tails tucked.

He has insight into people and managed to peg them for who they are: Low Energy Jeb, Lying Ted Cruz and Little Marco. People do not like the name calling, but it is affective and right. For 8 months I have been looking into this researching the people and looking into their backgrounds. They tried to paint him as a con man, but there is nothing to that charge. They say he gave money to Democrats, but truth is he has given much more money by millions of dollars to Republicans. He endorsed Mitt Romney with his mouth and money. He made Robocalls for him donated money campaigned for him and when Romney won Michigan they publically thanked Donald Trump.

Donald Trump says in his rallies, it is not about me, it is about you. And that is as it should be and in saying that he is turning the Power back over to We the People where it belongs. We can make America great again folks.