Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Why I am for Trump

I would rather have someone in office who says what he thinks regardless of consequences, someone who can not be bought is not beholding to any group of people someone who has been successful but not without failing, who loves this country and sincerely wants to see America rise again. I would rather have this man in office than someone who will say and/or do anything to win an election only to do the bidding of those who paid his/her way and leave we the people to fend for ourselves.

Time and time again we have elected  career politicians.  I say we, but in truth the special interests, lobbyists and the media.  We fall for whatever rhetoric they spout and look to their voting records for guidance.  We have allowed ourselves to be swayed by all the right words.  

What we do not see is the man behind the curtain, the back room deals and all the money that exchanges hands.  Donald Trump has done more to expose this than anyone in politics.  He has admitted to making donations in the past in the hopes of garnering favors in the future.  He can not be faulted for taking advantage of the system. 

We have elected people to office over and over and over again who have turned their backs on us, and offer up one excuse after another as to why they could not vote one way or the other.  They put the Kate Steinle bill together with another bill, knowing full well it had no chance of passing.  If they do not vote against a promise they make sure the bill they promised does not pass.  

When you look at the funding sources of the candidates you can see why.  They need money to run a campaign and stay in office.  Running a campaign is a big business in itself, always remember the borrower is servant to the lender and while campaign donations may not be literal loans, the debt that is owed is legislation.  Do not be fooled, a candidate may say something that the donor does not like, but the donor knows they are saying what they need to say to get elected.  Once elected they will do the bidding of donor.

It is time to elect someone who will break the old boy network, crony capitalism or whatever you want to call it.  If Donald Trump is elected they will not be able to control him and that is what they fear the most, someone coming in and ruining their game.  He  knows the game well and he will be the spoiler.  His win in NH is proof in the pudding that they have been fearing.  

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