Saturday, August 1, 2015

Trump Keeps Going

I have not seen anything like it in my lifetime.  Donald Trump soars to the top of every poll I have seen.  The pundits keep saying it will not last, the candidates have all written him off.  The Democratic front runner is running against Jeb Bush ignoring Trump altogether.   I get it, he is not a typical politician.  They keep asking the same questions, dumbfounded as to why he is doing so well.  I have gone through the list in my mind thinking, if not Trump for whom would I vote?  Honestly, there isn't anyone I favor over him.

I began to question my own sanity in continuing to pull for someone everyone seems to think will fail.  I have reviewed interviews featuring him in 1988.  He is saying the same things now that he was saying then.  We are being fleeced by China, Japan and Mexico, we need to beef up our Military power.  People say he has changed on the issues, as if that is a bad thing.  It depends on why you change on the issues as to whether it is bad or not.  If a politician suddenly receives donations from someone who does not like their stand on an issue, they find a way to have "changed" their mind.  Situations in life do not stay the same, they change.   Sometimes a prudent position 20 years ago is not prudent now.  

I wanted to get to know more about Donald Trump other than I like that he speaks his mind and pushes back on reporters.  So, I bought his book "Time to Get Tough".  Now, anyone who knows me knows I am not a reader.  Reading is laborious to me.  A long email is tedious.  I am an auditory learner.  I could not put his book down.  It makes a lot of sense.  He doesn't just talk about it, he explains it and gives examples of what he is saying.  It is interesting and informative and well written.  As I was reading it, I felt as though I was seeing into the heart of the man.  I liked him more and more the more I read.  

People say he is egotistical.  He is applying for a job.  Let me ask you, do you downplay your accomplishments when you are applying for a job?  I certainly don't.  If you do, you will probably not get the job.  He believes in himself and he believes in America and he always has.  It is not pride to say who you are, it is pride not to.  In other words, if you are good at something and you say you are not, that is false pride, not humility.  It is fake and useless.  

Some say, oh he is a TV star, it is all an act.  Really?  He has a reality show, of which he is on very little.  Most of the time is spent with the Celebrities on the show.  He has a boardroom scene where he asks questions, discusses the success and failure and fires someone.  He is not an actor playing a part.  There really is very little of him in the show.  And, wait a minute what was Ronald Reagan's profession before he was governor, anyone remember Bedtime for Bonzo?  Since when does being on TV mean you can not run for office?

Then people say he is doing it for publicity, really, The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice are two of the top rated shows on TV.  I do not think he needs publicity.  He is also not doing it for the money.  The other candidates will walk away from this having made money.  The other candidates will also have gained some notoriety from this process.  It is not a bad deal for them.  He is not only spending his own money, but he is losing money.  Every minute that he is doing an interview is money he could have made as he says making a deal.  Plus he walked away from a very successful TV show, thus losing that source of income.  So, he is losing money, not making it, spending his own money on the campaign, does not need the publicity, is  getting beaten up by the press.   So, you tell me, how does this benefit Donald Trump?  

I have no idea how he will fare after the debates, but remember this: he does not get into anything with the intention or thought of losing.  I can think of a lot worse things than President Trump.  In my opinion he is the best person for the job.  We need someone who is motivated to make america great again, and Donald Trump is.

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