Sunday, July 26, 2015


I watched with great interest Donald Trumps announcement to run for President, glued to the TV.  I have obsessed over every word out of his mouth since.  He is speaking the truth that no one in Washington wants to hear and we the people are cheering.  He is taking on the Media in a way only he can.  He is pressing the press and putting them in their place.  For too long the Press has been part of the problem in this country.  They have been allowed to influence our vote.  They are in the tank as much as politicians are.

My husband loves to quote Proverbs, "The borrower is servant to the lender."   The politicians and the media are all servants to Banks and Lobbyists and special interests.  Some Media outlets are in financial trouble and need loans to keep going, the same is true with Politicians, they can not run for office on the nickels and dimes they get from you and me.  They need money and lots of it, and with that money comes a price.  Vote for this and against this, write in favor of this politician and not this one.  

We the people have been had, we are puppets, we listen to what they say and believe they are speaking the truth.  We have bought into a lie.  We have elected whom the Media has held up to us as the best and brightest and we have been duped.  Not all politicians fall into this category, but most of them  do which is why the good ones can not get anything done.  They are in the minority.

Donald Trump speaks truth as only he can because he is not beholding to anyone.  He does not need anyone's money or support.  He does not couch his words, he says things that make people angry.  But he is speaking a lot of truth and telling it like it is.  

I have said it before but I am repeating it, pay attention to how the other candidates respond to him And get this, Hillary Clinton called the Republicans out for not condemning Trump and did you notice, many of them fell in line - She is calling the shots here? But also consider this, why would she speak out against him if she did not fear him.

People if we do not WAKE UP and TAKE AMERICA BACK, we will suffer 4 or 8 more years of the same failed policies that have us by the throat.  Speak Out, Speak Up and Shout down the media, Shout down the Politicians.  Pay Attention, or you will be singing the blues.

Write Mitch McConnell an email and ask him to answer for his actions, or lack thereof, make him accountable to We the People.  We to Take Back America:


  1. Amen Beth~I need to know my Senators and Congressmen here in FL..I have never been a political person...But now is the time for that to change..I am ready to stand up...for America

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. That is great! Your Senators are
      Bill Nelson - Contact information:
      716 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
      (202) 224-5274
      and Marco Rubio
      284 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
      (202) 224-3041
      To find out who your congressman is go to this website and put in your zip code
      Thank you !
      Beth Hammer Still
