Wednesday, November 4, 2015

PETER the Fisherman

I think of all the disciples I relate to Peter the most.  He could be described as a bombastic bull in a china shop who opened his mouth, stuck both feet in and kept talking.  He clearly had trouble getting along with others and had a very different way of looking at things.  He seemed to on the one hand have a deep understanding as when he said that Jesus was the Messiah, and at the same time and with the same breath rebuked Jesus for saying he had to die.  Peter is the only one to whom Jesus said, you clearly heard that from the HS and you clearly heard that from Satan within just a few minutes.  

Peter clearly had issues with his brother I will guess Andrew, (who can't relate to a pesky younger brother?), when he wanted to know if 7 times was enough forgiveness.  He must have been expecting high praise for being willing to forgive 7 times, as it should have been clear to everyone what a pest his brother was.  Once again, he found himself on the wrong end of the discussion.  He also had issues with the disciple whom Jesus loved as his inquiry as to John's well being caused Jesus to rebuke him once again, "if I want him to live until I return, what is that to you:?"  

Oh Peter, always opening your mouth and getting into trouble and yet never seeming to learn.  Peter who denied Christ 3 times is the only one whom Jesus asked for by name upon His resurrection, go tell the others AND PETER.  And the one whom Jesus gave the command "feed my sheep".  Now, we know how important we sheep are to the Lord and it was to this bombastic impulsive maybe should have thought before speaking Peter to whom Jesus said "feed my sheep".  Jesus knew who Peter truly was, He knew his heart, he looked beyond the awkward uncouth manner to the real man. 

Peter was after all a fisherman, uneducated swarthy fisherman.  He was not sophisticated in his manner and probably would have made miss manners faint, but Peter was Peter.  He did not pretend to be someone he wasn't (except of course at the arrest of Jesus).  He was himself.  He stood alone as it were separated from the rest.  He was also one of the ones allowed to see Jesus in the transfiguration.  He was in fact in the inner circle.  It was Peter, James and John.  He was a leader and like a leader he asked the questions no one else dared to ask.  He therefore took the brunt of it.  He was at least trying to answer the questions Jesus asked.  It was Peter who answered the question and you, who do you say that I am and answering was as I have stated earlier one of his shining moments followed by oh well.....  

It was also Peter who cast the net on the other side of the boat even though they had fished all night and caught nothing.  It was also Peter who is the only disciple to walk on water. It was Peter who with John ushered in the first healing post after-all after all ascension.  It was Peter who stood up on the day of Pentecost and gave one of the most beautiful speeches in the Bible.  It was Peter who led the disciples, was recognized as the leader and the one to whom God revealed his heart for the Gentiles.  Peter, had no fear of praying for Dorcas to be raised from the dead.  He wrote very little and seemed to have faded in the background when Paul came on the scene.  But the jealousy that seemed to plague him when he was with Jesus, seemed to be arrested after His ascension.  He became humble in leadership and in the end deserved the respect of the others.  He knew who he was, he no longer seemed to need attention and was according to tradition crucified upside down as he did not seem himself as worthy to be crucified in the same manner as Jesus. 

Peter was rebuked and yet, he learned from the rebuke.  He took the words of Jesus to heart.  He went from being the bombastic loudmouth to the humble servant leader of the flock to which Jesus had entrusted him.  He stumbled, he fell, but he also got up again and did not let his failures stop him from continuing on the path the Lord laid out for him.  He did not feel sorry for himself and admonished us with his words about suffering to "not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes to test you, ..... but rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings."  And we see what he himself learned about leadership in his admonition to Shepherds caring for the flock of God. 

Peter is an example of a person who grew from being a bull in the china shop to taking care of the china.  He learned from his mistakes and was properly humbled.  I think that it was his bombastic tell it like it is, not afraid to speak out way that actually helped him in the tumultuous times in which he lived.  He was stubborn and determined but it was that stubborn determination that saw him through the tortures of imprisonment.  It was his ability to speak out and speak the truth that helped him to lead the sheep entrusted to him.  He was one to speak out, but he also listened.  Had Peter not been one willing to stick his neck out as it were, he would not have been able to speak on behalf of the gentiles.  He did not care what the others said about him as he had received his orders from the Lord, "take, eat".  

It was not easy to be who he was and do what he did.  This was not the life he had chosen, he was after all after all a fisherman, who had to learn a whole new line of work at a time when he was old enough to be "sot in his ways." He could have easily said, Jesus is gone, I am not fit, let someone else carry the torch, but he didn't the world was on fire and Peter was called to a paradigm shift, and aren't we glad he answered the call.

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