Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Carson Attack

At first when I read the Politico article I was shocked that Dr.  Ben Carson would fabricate a story about applying to West Point.  As the day went on I saw that they were picking his book apart sentence by sentence looking for anything they could throw up as a lie.  Dr. Carson is running on his life story and has the highest honesty rating of anyone running.  So, I did some reading and digging on my own.  Here is my take on this whole thing;

Dr. Carson grew up a poor  child (not unlike Steve Martin), parented by his illiterate single mother.  Most poor children from an inner city do not have many opportunities to hob knob with the wealthy attending dinners where you use more than one fork.  I am guessing that this was true for Dr. Carson.  This event where he met distinguished Generals and the like was probably the highlight of his young life.  This would be a fancy affair to attend even for someone who was used to using more than one fork at dinner.  He had achieved something few did in his neighborhood.  His mother had made him read a book a week and it had paid off.  So, there  he was in all the gala of the event and they were talking to him about a full ride to West Point.  I imagine that most of us are not aware that at West Point no one pays their tuition.  They pay it afterwards by serving in the Army.  However, you do not just apply to West Point and get in, you have to be nominated by a member of Congress or high ranking military personnel or the Governor of your state, in other words not the Principal of your High School.  Only someone who is highly qualified will receive such a nomination.  He was the highest scoring ROTC member in his area.  He met all the other requirements.  I imagine that the conversation was a little overwhelming, and so in his book he remembered the offer as a full scholarship, not the nomination part.  His editor should have but probably did not question it.  It was really a matter of semantics.  But the MSM is looking for anything they can hang him with an Politico is a lap dog for the mainstream media.  

The other issue is his claim to have had issues with anger as a young man.  He attempted to hit his mother with a hammer, stab another family member and hit a classmate with a lock.  And then he had an encounter with God, who took away his anger issues and he has not had to deal with them since.  The media can not and will not understand the power of prayer.  They do not understand the power of healing, and can not give credence to anyone who claims such healing without proof.  It is the God part of this story they hate, not the anger management.  Had Ben Carson gone to Anger Management or seen a Counselor, they would buy it.  First of all, there would be proof.  There would be some kind of paper trail and if Dr. Carson allowed it the counselor could have confirmed that yes Dr. Carson did have issues and was now considered healed.  But Dr. Carson dd not go that route, he went to The Counselor, the Holy Spirit who healed him.

And it drives the media nuts.  They can not discredit the healing because Dr. Carson is the most calm and collected person in this campaign.  So, they have to discredit the anger issue.  They can not accept that God heals, that is antithetical to who they are.  To accept that would turn them on their heads, it would also force them to answer the looming God question and there is no way they are going to do that.  

If he had been crippled and could suddenly walk there would be some sort of medical proof and they could look to his medical treatment.  But to be suddenly and totally healed of a psychological issue is hard to prove.  I know, I have been there.  I suffered from depression for over 40 years of my life, had gone to counseling and taken meds to no avail.  I thought that I was just going to suffer for the rest of my life.  I was suicidal and made God a promise, I would raise my children and then I would end my life.  But God had other plans and 3 months prior to my son's 18th birthday He and He alone touched me and healed me and I have not been the same since.  I know what it is like to be suddenly healed, I also know what it is like to have people question that it actually happened. It is NOT that they want to discredit the disease, they want to discredit the healing.  

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