Sunday, July 26, 2015


I watched with great interest Donald Trumps announcement to run for President, glued to the TV.  I have obsessed over every word out of his mouth since.  He is speaking the truth that no one in Washington wants to hear and we the people are cheering.  He is taking on the Media in a way only he can.  He is pressing the press and putting them in their place.  For too long the Press has been part of the problem in this country.  They have been allowed to influence our vote.  They are in the tank as much as politicians are.

My husband loves to quote Proverbs, "The borrower is servant to the lender."   The politicians and the media are all servants to Banks and Lobbyists and special interests.  Some Media outlets are in financial trouble and need loans to keep going, the same is true with Politicians, they can not run for office on the nickels and dimes they get from you and me.  They need money and lots of it, and with that money comes a price.  Vote for this and against this, write in favor of this politician and not this one.  

We the people have been had, we are puppets, we listen to what they say and believe they are speaking the truth.  We have bought into a lie.  We have elected whom the Media has held up to us as the best and brightest and we have been duped.  Not all politicians fall into this category, but most of them  do which is why the good ones can not get anything done.  They are in the minority.

Donald Trump speaks truth as only he can because he is not beholding to anyone.  He does not need anyone's money or support.  He does not couch his words, he says things that make people angry.  But he is speaking a lot of truth and telling it like it is.  

I have said it before but I am repeating it, pay attention to how the other candidates respond to him And get this, Hillary Clinton called the Republicans out for not condemning Trump and did you notice, many of them fell in line - She is calling the shots here? But also consider this, why would she speak out against him if she did not fear him.

People if we do not WAKE UP and TAKE AMERICA BACK, we will suffer 4 or 8 more years of the same failed policies that have us by the throat.  Speak Out, Speak Up and Shout down the media, Shout down the Politicians.  Pay Attention, or you will be singing the blues.

Write Mitch McConnell an email and ask him to answer for his actions, or lack thereof, make him accountable to We the People.  We to Take Back America:

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Defend the Defenders

I read where at least 3 Governors have issued executive orders for the National Guard to protect military bases in their states. And another article highlighting ordinary citizens with side arms standing in front of a Military office, vowing to defend the military. That sentence on its face sounds like an oxymoron. It isn't, it is a new low for this country.

We the people need to fill in the gap that is left by a government who is leaving the very people sworn to protect us without protection. This is absurd . as Fox contributor Mary Katherine Ham said during Friday’s segment. "These are Marines, everyone of them a rifleman,” “They are trained to protect themselves, and they have volunteered to be our sheepdogs, protect the rest of us, and yet we take the means out of their hands to do that. And that just seems like a sin.”

 We ask them to put their lives on the line to defend our freedom and protect us, and yet they are sitting ducks.  ISIS is putting out the word that they are coming after our Military, they are encouraging their members to act alone in taking out our Military.  The order to allow them to be armed should have been given a long time ago, certainly after the Fort Hood shooting, certainly after the edict from ISIS, but maybe now it will change.  

Unfortunately, it may take a push from we the people.   We need to push for the change.  Our voices need to be heard.   It is time for this regulation to be changed.  It is time for us to step up for our military and contact our Congressmen, and  demand that this regulation be changed.  While that will take some time to be in effect, we need to contact our Governors and ask that they send the National Guard to protect our Military bases.

We are living in a new era, and we need to recognize that and not be silent.  We have a voice, but it can not be heard unless it is expressed.  Find your voice, call your Congressman and Senators, contact your Governor and speak out on this issue.  

Check out these links for yourself.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Killing Babies

Since 1973 it has been legal to kill a baby in the womb.  The womb, a place designed to protect and nurture life.  Life which should be protected, should be special.  Is it any wonder that we have grown so cold?  When did it become ok to kill innocent life?  When life lost its value, when we stopped seeing life, all life as a gift of God and something expendable to be used for our purpose.  Life is a gift freely given to us by God and to procreate and bring other lives into this world is indeed a privilege not to be taken lightly.  It is not as though we can not care and feed these unwanted babies, there are people wanting, willing and waiting to be able to adopt.

Even people who are for killing babies in the womb, were horrified at the actions of Dr. Gosnell of PA.  And now, I hope the world sees how horrifying this video of Planned Parenthood is.  It is not as Megyn Kelly said on her show a matter of whether you think abortion is ok or not .  It is the callous manner in which this is handled.  what happened to first do no harm?  How does that mandate translate to kill them any way you can as long as you can harvest their body parts?  Where is the humanity?  We are horrified at ISIS cutting off people's heads, and yet, are we not guilty of the same?

Glenn Beck, having witnessed an abortion for the first time was sickened by it, and it changed his mind.  I did not have to see and still have not seen an abortion to know how evil it is.  In other cultures we have been horrified to know that they sacrificed babies to gods, or cannibalized them.  How hypocritical to say that a baby once out of the womb is more valuable than one inside the womb.  If the money in abortions dried up, immediately you would see a large drop in the number of them performed.

If puppies were being treated this way there would be a hue and cry and laws against cruelty of animals would be written overnight.  It is time we valued ourselves, everyone of us from the small to the tall as equal.  People abort babies because they are the wrong sex, I ask you, how can you be a good parent to a child whose sister you killed?

Here is the link to the video of Planned Parenthood

Body Parts

Friday, July 10, 2015


Pollsters are very busy these days and the closer the election  the busier they are.  Pay attention to the candidates messaging understanding that how they are responding to key issues is a result of the polling of their party.  If most democrats polled said they favored fuchsia easter eggs, guess who would have fuchsia easter eggs?  And the same for the repubs - I fill out a questionnaire for the GOP at least 4 times a year, I am certain that the other side does as well. I never turn down a chance to answer one of those things and give thoughtful consideration to how I feel and what I think about the issue and how I think changes from Poll to poll because things change.  When you see a politician flip flopping on an issue it very likely is due to the change in the polling data.  

A good pollster will have his or her candidate using talking points that mirror the voters and if the issue is close ie: 50% yea and 45% nay - the candidate will be more grey in their answers.  This is something to keep in mind when listening and trying to determine for whom to vote and why I say it is not what they say as much as it is what they have done or where they stood on the issue before the election was looming.  Check out a person's voting record if they have one, or what they have done in their lives and how they spoke before there was an election looming.  It is VERY  important folks that we GET THIS RIGHT THIS TIME.   

My best advice is to pray and seek wisdom, listen with the Spirit within you.  Be wary of flowery speech.  This is perhaps the most important election of our lives.  Pray, seek, be informed, and VOTE. I can not stress this enough.  We pray and ask God to Bless us but we have to also be informed on the issues pay attention to the candidates,  know something about them beyond what they say about themselves or what is on their website. 

Don't pay too much attention to Social Media, most of what is put up there is done so by the staff, not the candidate themselves, they do not have time to do that.  Don't pay attention to what you see on tv, most media outlets have chosen their candidate and will paint her in a good light and take things out of context for the others.  

This whole Donald Trump thing is a perfect example of exactly that.  I knew exactly what he was saying when he said it, but everyone jumped on the bandwagon of Donald hates Mexicans.  Listen to what is said from the horse's mouth, not how it is reported.  Headlines are written to be sensational and grab your attention.  Headlines sometimes have nothing to do with the body of the article.  

In this day and age, there are a lot of fake websites, facebook pages, twitter accounts made to look like the one for the candidate but are not.  Be wary of information and check sources.  Too many people heard Obama's words, wanted a Black President and did not pay attention to who he is.  In the first election in which I voted I cast my vote for Jimmy Carter.  What a disaster that turned out to be.  I was only 18 and obviously not the only one who fell for his rhetoric.  Learn from the past, and the future will be better.  Repeat past mistakes, and the future will be worse.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Lies and Lies and again Lies

Why, Why Why?

I do not think anything stumps me as much as why anyone with an ounce of integrity would even consider voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton.  I am a conservative, so clearly I disagree with her stands on most things.  I say most, in case there is something with which I find agreement with her, oh wait, I used to, she stated that marriage was between a man and a woman a But, that view has changed for her now, so nope not one thing.

As long as I have been aware of Hillary Rodham Clinton, I have been aware of her dishonesty.  She does not seem to know or care about the truth.  I am not sure whether she has lied for so long that she can not tell the truth or if she has lied so long that she no longer knows what the truth is.  

Do you really want a blatant liar in the White House?  Do you really want someone with such a shady track record of untruths and cover ups protecting you?  One of her jobs  as Sec of State was to provide adequate protection for the Ambassadors, and thus Benghazi.  People are saying that the fact that some entities gave money to her foundation and then received favors from the WH is not proof of quid pro quo, but can anyone give me an example of someone donating a lot of money to the foundation and then NOT receiving their needed favor? 

She was working for Obama who made it very clear that she needed to break ties with Christian what's his name - and she defied him and not only continued to contact him, but paid him while doing so.  What kind of employee does that?  People say she is smart, but seriously, did she not know that there would be an electronic trail to be found?  Did she really think that a copy of the subpoena issued to her would not exist ?  Does she really think that you can only use one email per device?  Does she think that we are that dumb or is she?  

I understand the dilemma the Dems will have in 2016 - to vote for a lying deceiving woman who will bring that womanizing husband into the White House or heaven forbid a Republican President.  I do not care what your beliefs, I would rather have an honest person with a shred of integrity in the White House even if I disagreed with their politics than a lying person I could not trust who wears those ridiculous pants suits.  

If you are voting for her because it is time to have a woman in the White House, that is the wrong reason.  Besides, why would you want the first woman President to be a lying deceiving misanthrope?  I would love to see a female President, but one with a smidgen of class.  I would like to be proud of the first woman President, not embarrassed and ashamed.  There will be a woman in the WH someday, but mark my words, it will not be Hillary Rodham Clinton.  We have had enough of her and her husband, as someone said; it is always something with the Clintons.  

If the press is being roped off by her now, how will it be better if (God please NO) she is elected.  

I can not bear it, someone teleport me to the moon. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


The Donald

What is all this flap about Donald Trump's statements about illegal immigrants.  How dare he speak politically incorrect or in a way unbecoming a politician.  How dare he express his concern and opinion on something that affects all of our lives.  How dare he call out other politicians for their own hypocrisy.   They can't handle the truth, not only that but they can not handle sparring with someone who is not beholding to anyone, who has enough money to finance his own campaign and does not care what anyone thinks.

In the last election people would not vote for Mitt, because he was a Mormon, or too rich or too white and they would not vote for Obama because his policies had too much of a socialist bent.  So, many stayed home.  Well, my friends your choice may very well be a man married three times (?) who has made a gazillion bucks, who does not watch what comes out of his mouth, has crazy hair, or Hillary Clinton whose list of negatives is too great to list here.

Here is my take on Trump.  He says what he means and means what he says.  If he says he can do it, he can.  He does not pull any punches you know where he stands.  He is a no holds barred business man who has made a lot of money by knowing how to negotiate.   He is not beholding to anyone, need any special interest groups or big bank loans.  He does have leadership skills, knows how to get the most out of people.  

I do believe he would surround himself with people who are the best at what they do and he would actually listen to,  oh I don't know to the people in the Pentagon(what a novel idea).  He is sincere about protecting us and our interests.  And I do believe he can turn our economy around.

I am looking the field over and considering all the candidates, but at this point for me it is Trump for 2016.  Pay close attention to how the other candidates react to him and you will see them for who they are.  

Consider this article  
Why are they dumping on Trump?

I know the thought of President Trump, may be too much to swallow, but consider the alternatives, and learn from history.

Barely Thinking

To the GOP Congressmen:

I have voted in every election to  my memory local, state and national since I cast my first  vote at 18.  Lately I have been appalled at the actions of my Republican Congressmen and Senators.  Most of "we the people" do not fully understand how things work in DC, my eyes are being opened daily and I do not like what I see.

Yes, you were elected as a GOP Congressman, but your first alliance is to your constituents not your party.  DC should not operate like a College fraternity, but that is how it seems.  It should not be vote with the GOP leadership or be shunned.  Each one of you represents your constituents and the needs and desires of your State’s residents.  Things are different here in NC than they are in Texas.  Yes, as a party you stand for certain things, but as a Representative you MUST be willing and able to vote differently from the party where your State’s welfare clashes with that of the party.

No one should cow tow to the leadership I do not care the consequences.  If you cannot perform better as a whole and individually than we the people will boot you out.  This govt. was not founded on the principle that a few get to decide for the many but rather the many tell the few how to vote.  You have it backwards.  I will make it my personal mission to oppose every Congressman or Senator of my state who does not vote in a way that I think is best for my State.

To Those who are called by His name:

30000 people who identify themselves as Evangelical Christians stayed away from the polls in 2012.We are the watchmen on the wall and as such we are responsible to be knowledgeable, "my people perish, for lack of knowledge". We should weigh in on the issues, vote according to our conscience.  We need to stand firm and hold our reps feet to the fire to keep the promises they made when they were seeking our vote and support, running for Congress and not just shake our heads. Our vote is not just at the ballot box, it is in social media.  We can make our voices heard by putting up comments on Facebook, twitter etc.  We can send emails or call our congressmen.  We can share our views with others and encourage others to do the same.  If we abdicate our authority chaos ensues and we have no one to blame but ourselves.