Wednesday, July 8, 2015


The Donald

What is all this flap about Donald Trump's statements about illegal immigrants.  How dare he speak politically incorrect or in a way unbecoming a politician.  How dare he express his concern and opinion on something that affects all of our lives.  How dare he call out other politicians for their own hypocrisy.   They can't handle the truth, not only that but they can not handle sparring with someone who is not beholding to anyone, who has enough money to finance his own campaign and does not care what anyone thinks.

In the last election people would not vote for Mitt, because he was a Mormon, or too rich or too white and they would not vote for Obama because his policies had too much of a socialist bent.  So, many stayed home.  Well, my friends your choice may very well be a man married three times (?) who has made a gazillion bucks, who does not watch what comes out of his mouth, has crazy hair, or Hillary Clinton whose list of negatives is too great to list here.

Here is my take on Trump.  He says what he means and means what he says.  If he says he can do it, he can.  He does not pull any punches you know where he stands.  He is a no holds barred business man who has made a lot of money by knowing how to negotiate.   He is not beholding to anyone, need any special interest groups or big bank loans.  He does have leadership skills, knows how to get the most out of people.  

I do believe he would surround himself with people who are the best at what they do and he would actually listen to,  oh I don't know to the people in the Pentagon(what a novel idea).  He is sincere about protecting us and our interests.  And I do believe he can turn our economy around.

I am looking the field over and considering all the candidates, but at this point for me it is Trump for 2016.  Pay close attention to how the other candidates react to him and you will see them for who they are.  

Consider this article  
Why are they dumping on Trump?

I know the thought of President Trump, may be too much to swallow, but consider the alternatives, and learn from history.

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