Thursday, July 16, 2015

Killing Babies

Since 1973 it has been legal to kill a baby in the womb.  The womb, a place designed to protect and nurture life.  Life which should be protected, should be special.  Is it any wonder that we have grown so cold?  When did it become ok to kill innocent life?  When life lost its value, when we stopped seeing life, all life as a gift of God and something expendable to be used for our purpose.  Life is a gift freely given to us by God and to procreate and bring other lives into this world is indeed a privilege not to be taken lightly.  It is not as though we can not care and feed these unwanted babies, there are people wanting, willing and waiting to be able to adopt.

Even people who are for killing babies in the womb, were horrified at the actions of Dr. Gosnell of PA.  And now, I hope the world sees how horrifying this video of Planned Parenthood is.  It is not as Megyn Kelly said on her show a matter of whether you think abortion is ok or not .  It is the callous manner in which this is handled.  what happened to first do no harm?  How does that mandate translate to kill them any way you can as long as you can harvest their body parts?  Where is the humanity?  We are horrified at ISIS cutting off people's heads, and yet, are we not guilty of the same?

Glenn Beck, having witnessed an abortion for the first time was sickened by it, and it changed his mind.  I did not have to see and still have not seen an abortion to know how evil it is.  In other cultures we have been horrified to know that they sacrificed babies to gods, or cannibalized them.  How hypocritical to say that a baby once out of the womb is more valuable than one inside the womb.  If the money in abortions dried up, immediately you would see a large drop in the number of them performed.

If puppies were being treated this way there would be a hue and cry and laws against cruelty of animals would be written overnight.  It is time we valued ourselves, everyone of us from the small to the tall as equal.  People abort babies because they are the wrong sex, I ask you, how can you be a good parent to a child whose sister you killed?

Here is the link to the video of Planned Parenthood

Body Parts

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