Thursday, July 9, 2015

Lies and Lies and again Lies

Why, Why Why?

I do not think anything stumps me as much as why anyone with an ounce of integrity would even consider voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton.  I am a conservative, so clearly I disagree with her stands on most things.  I say most, in case there is something with which I find agreement with her, oh wait, I used to, she stated that marriage was between a man and a woman a But, that view has changed for her now, so nope not one thing.

As long as I have been aware of Hillary Rodham Clinton, I have been aware of her dishonesty.  She does not seem to know or care about the truth.  I am not sure whether she has lied for so long that she can not tell the truth or if she has lied so long that she no longer knows what the truth is.  

Do you really want a blatant liar in the White House?  Do you really want someone with such a shady track record of untruths and cover ups protecting you?  One of her jobs  as Sec of State was to provide adequate protection for the Ambassadors, and thus Benghazi.  People are saying that the fact that some entities gave money to her foundation and then received favors from the WH is not proof of quid pro quo, but can anyone give me an example of someone donating a lot of money to the foundation and then NOT receiving their needed favor? 

She was working for Obama who made it very clear that she needed to break ties with Christian what's his name - and she defied him and not only continued to contact him, but paid him while doing so.  What kind of employee does that?  People say she is smart, but seriously, did she not know that there would be an electronic trail to be found?  Did she really think that a copy of the subpoena issued to her would not exist ?  Does she really think that you can only use one email per device?  Does she think that we are that dumb or is she?  

I understand the dilemma the Dems will have in 2016 - to vote for a lying deceiving woman who will bring that womanizing husband into the White House or heaven forbid a Republican President.  I do not care what your beliefs, I would rather have an honest person with a shred of integrity in the White House even if I disagreed with their politics than a lying person I could not trust who wears those ridiculous pants suits.  

If you are voting for her because it is time to have a woman in the White House, that is the wrong reason.  Besides, why would you want the first woman President to be a lying deceiving misanthrope?  I would love to see a female President, but one with a smidgen of class.  I would like to be proud of the first woman President, not embarrassed and ashamed.  There will be a woman in the WH someday, but mark my words, it will not be Hillary Rodham Clinton.  We have had enough of her and her husband, as someone said; it is always something with the Clintons.  

If the press is being roped off by her now, how will it be better if (God please NO) she is elected.  

I can not bear it, someone teleport me to the moon. 

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