Saturday, July 18, 2015

Defend the Defenders

I read where at least 3 Governors have issued executive orders for the National Guard to protect military bases in their states. And another article highlighting ordinary citizens with side arms standing in front of a Military office, vowing to defend the military. That sentence on its face sounds like an oxymoron. It isn't, it is a new low for this country.

We the people need to fill in the gap that is left by a government who is leaving the very people sworn to protect us without protection. This is absurd . as Fox contributor Mary Katherine Ham said during Friday’s segment. "These are Marines, everyone of them a rifleman,” “They are trained to protect themselves, and they have volunteered to be our sheepdogs, protect the rest of us, and yet we take the means out of their hands to do that. And that just seems like a sin.”

 We ask them to put their lives on the line to defend our freedom and protect us, and yet they are sitting ducks.  ISIS is putting out the word that they are coming after our Military, they are encouraging their members to act alone in taking out our Military.  The order to allow them to be armed should have been given a long time ago, certainly after the Fort Hood shooting, certainly after the edict from ISIS, but maybe now it will change.  

Unfortunately, it may take a push from we the people.   We need to push for the change.  Our voices need to be heard.   It is time for this regulation to be changed.  It is time for us to step up for our military and contact our Congressmen, and  demand that this regulation be changed.  While that will take some time to be in effect, we need to contact our Governors and ask that they send the National Guard to protect our Military bases.

We are living in a new era, and we need to recognize that and not be silent.  We have a voice, but it can not be heard unless it is expressed.  Find your voice, call your Congressman and Senators, contact your Governor and speak out on this issue.  

Check out these links for yourself.

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