Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Barely Thinking

To the GOP Congressmen:

I have voted in every election to  my memory local, state and national since I cast my first  vote at 18.  Lately I have been appalled at the actions of my Republican Congressmen and Senators.  Most of "we the people" do not fully understand how things work in DC, my eyes are being opened daily and I do not like what I see.

Yes, you were elected as a GOP Congressman, but your first alliance is to your constituents not your party.  DC should not operate like a College fraternity, but that is how it seems.  It should not be vote with the GOP leadership or be shunned.  Each one of you represents your constituents and the needs and desires of your State’s residents.  Things are different here in NC than they are in Texas.  Yes, as a party you stand for certain things, but as a Representative you MUST be willing and able to vote differently from the party where your State’s welfare clashes with that of the party.

No one should cow tow to the leadership I do not care the consequences.  If you cannot perform better as a whole and individually than we the people will boot you out.  This govt. was not founded on the principle that a few get to decide for the many but rather the many tell the few how to vote.  You have it backwards.  I will make it my personal mission to oppose every Congressman or Senator of my state who does not vote in a way that I think is best for my State.

To Those who are called by His name:

30000 people who identify themselves as Evangelical Christians stayed away from the polls in 2012.We are the watchmen on the wall and as such we are responsible to be knowledgeable, "my people perish, for lack of knowledge". We should weigh in on the issues, vote according to our conscience.  We need to stand firm and hold our reps feet to the fire to keep the promises they made when they were seeking our vote and support, running for Congress and not just shake our heads. Our vote is not just at the ballot box, it is in social media.  We can make our voices heard by putting up comments on Facebook, twitter etc.  We can send emails or call our congressmen.  We can share our views with others and encourage others to do the same.  If we abdicate our authority chaos ensues and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

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