Friday, July 10, 2015


Pollsters are very busy these days and the closer the election  the busier they are.  Pay attention to the candidates messaging understanding that how they are responding to key issues is a result of the polling of their party.  If most democrats polled said they favored fuchsia easter eggs, guess who would have fuchsia easter eggs?  And the same for the repubs - I fill out a questionnaire for the GOP at least 4 times a year, I am certain that the other side does as well. I never turn down a chance to answer one of those things and give thoughtful consideration to how I feel and what I think about the issue and how I think changes from Poll to poll because things change.  When you see a politician flip flopping on an issue it very likely is due to the change in the polling data.  

A good pollster will have his or her candidate using talking points that mirror the voters and if the issue is close ie: 50% yea and 45% nay - the candidate will be more grey in their answers.  This is something to keep in mind when listening and trying to determine for whom to vote and why I say it is not what they say as much as it is what they have done or where they stood on the issue before the election was looming.  Check out a person's voting record if they have one, or what they have done in their lives and how they spoke before there was an election looming.  It is VERY  important folks that we GET THIS RIGHT THIS TIME.   

My best advice is to pray and seek wisdom, listen with the Spirit within you.  Be wary of flowery speech.  This is perhaps the most important election of our lives.  Pray, seek, be informed, and VOTE. I can not stress this enough.  We pray and ask God to Bless us but we have to also be informed on the issues pay attention to the candidates,  know something about them beyond what they say about themselves or what is on their website. 

Don't pay too much attention to Social Media, most of what is put up there is done so by the staff, not the candidate themselves, they do not have time to do that.  Don't pay attention to what you see on tv, most media outlets have chosen their candidate and will paint her in a good light and take things out of context for the others.  

This whole Donald Trump thing is a perfect example of exactly that.  I knew exactly what he was saying when he said it, but everyone jumped on the bandwagon of Donald hates Mexicans.  Listen to what is said from the horse's mouth, not how it is reported.  Headlines are written to be sensational and grab your attention.  Headlines sometimes have nothing to do with the body of the article.  

In this day and age, there are a lot of fake websites, facebook pages, twitter accounts made to look like the one for the candidate but are not.  Be wary of information and check sources.  Too many people heard Obama's words, wanted a Black President and did not pay attention to who he is.  In the first election in which I voted I cast my vote for Jimmy Carter.  What a disaster that turned out to be.  I was only 18 and obviously not the only one who fell for his rhetoric.  Learn from the past, and the future will be better.  Repeat past mistakes, and the future will be worse.